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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer (0,45 Sek.).
Seite 1 von 1
Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Shireen, Nadia
London : Simon & Schuster , 2022 - 1. Auflage - 229 Seiten : 9,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-4711-9931-8

Foxes on the run! An evil cat out for revenge! Squirrels in leotards! When fox cub siblings Ted and Nancy escape to Grimwood, they expect to find peace and safety. Instead, they´re met with thievin...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 25.03.2024
Stadtbibliothek Sinsheim
6-9 Jahre


(heute zurück)
Collins, Tim
Sherlock Bones and the curse of the pharaoh's mask

(Sherlock Bones ; 2)
London : Buster Books , 2022 - 1. Auflage - 189 Seiten : 9,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-78055-751-9

Sherlock Bones, the world's greatest dog detective and his trusty sidekick, Dr Catson, are taking a well-earned holiday in Egypt when they discover that precious mask has been stolen - and they are...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 25.03.2024
Stadtbibliothek Sinsheim
6-9 Jahre


Ardagh, Philip
The nine lives of Furry Purry Beancat

the library cat
London : Simon & Schuster , 2021 - 2. Aufl. - 185 Seiten : 8,80 EUR ISBN 978-1-4711-8407-9

Just like every other cat, Furry Purry Beancat loves a catnap. But unlike other cats, when Beancat wakes she finds herself about to embark on a whole new adventure! Our furry (and purry!) heroine h...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 20.03.2024
Stadtbibliothek Sinsheim
6-9 Jahre


Collins, Tim
Sherlock Bones and the case of the crown jewels

(Sherlock Bones ; 1)
London : Buster Books , 2022 - 1. Aufl. - 191 Seiten : 9,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-78055-750-2

When the crown jewels go missing from Kennel Palace, it's up to super-sleuth Sherlock Bones and his trusty sidekick Dr Catson to solve the crime. But with multiple suspects and a trail that's runni...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 27.05.2023
Stadtbibliothek Sinsheim
6-9 Jahre


Kinsella, Sophie
Mummy Fairy and me - Unicorn Wishes
London : Penguin Books , 2022 - 167 S. : Ill. : 9,00 EUR ISBN 978-0-241-38026-0

My mummy looks normal, like any other mummy, but she's not. Because she can turn into a fairy. All she has to do is stamp her feet three times, clap her hands, wiggle her bottom and say 'Marshmallo...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 17.06.2022
Stadtbibliothek Sinsheim
6-9 Jahre



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